Polish traditional cuisine.

“No food tastes better than the one prepared by a grandma” – A Polish traditional cuisine.

“No food tastes better than the one prepared by a grandma”. That’s one of the most famous believes about their cuisine in Poland.  Why is that?

Well… Polish cuisine has very colorful history. This European country had to fight for their independence many times. Most of men had to leave their families to go on the front. Then women had to take care of households and bringing up kids. Usually, the many generations lived very close to each other, or even in the same place to make the work easier. I guess that’s why they developed such good family recipes we use to this day.

What traditional Polish cuisine is like?

Even though Poland is calling a country located in “central Europe”, it’s still pretty close to the North. While Summers are incredibly hot, Winters look pretty much like ones in Canada. During rough times Poles had to keep themselves warm. They needed something hot, nutritious and fatty. That’s why in basic dishes we won’t be able to find many fruits or vegetables, instead there will be potatoes, sausages, meat, eggs and cottage cheeses of many kinds. Also, they have always been in favor of soups and veggie creams.

How can a normal food day look like in Poland?

  1. Breakfast – considered to be the most important meal of the day

Most people choose sandwiches made of fresh bread (Polish traditional bread is the best!) a thick layer of butter and toppings: cheese, ham, cottage cheese, pastes with tomatoes/cucumber/radish on top.

Other popular options are cereals with milk or oatmeal porridge.

  1. Lunch – or in Polish called “second breakfast”

It’s supposed to be something small and light. A soup or a veggie cream could be a good idea. Some of them also prefer salads or pasta dishes.

As the name “second breakfast” suggests, you can spot people eating home-made sandwiches.

Oh, and don’t forget about the coffee – it’s a must!


  1. Dinner – the biggest meal of the day

Usually eaten right after work or school. Many people have this 3 ingredients rule: the plate must contain a meat product, something made out of potatoes (options are endless) and vegetables.

The most popular and classic dish you can find in Poland is: schabowy with potatoes and raw salad

A so called “schabowy” is a breaded pork chop.

Here is how to prepare it in a Polish way:

Take a thick slice of pork chop and toss it in a raw egg (scramble it a little) then toss it in a breadcrumb. Meat prepared like that deep fry on a frying pan. When it gets gold, it’s ready to eat.

A 3-ingredient dish isn’t the only option though.

Sometimes they choose more traditional dish like:

  • Pierogi

It can be served either with fruits or more “dinner” stuffing. The most popular options are: strawberry stuffing, blueberry stuffing, cabbage and mushrooms stuffing or cottage cheese with potatoes and onion stuffing.

  • Gołąbki – stuffed cabbage rolls


  1. Supper – a little something before a long night

Sometimes a big dinner is just not enough. Then it’s a good thing to take a salad, a small sandwich or a yoghurt.

Throughout the day many people drink tea, water, juices or coffee.


Is Polish cuisine good?

Everyone who ever tried it would say: “The best!”.

And we just can’t disagree with that! There’s nothing better than schabowy made by a grandma or a cabbage roll made out of fresh cabbage.

Blueberries season is on? You just can’t miss a pierogi with blueberry stuffing!

Key words:

“What is Polish cuisine like”

“schabowy with potatoes and raw salad”

“Polish cuisine”

“Polish cabbage rolls”

“Blueberry pierogi”

“European cuisine”


“Grandma’s cuisine”

“traditional Polish cuisine”



“traditional cooking”





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